Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The big fat truth about 'low fat' foods

We see the products every day. The ones that say low fat, fat free, reduced fat, no added sugar. It’s basically just a marketing ploy used by companies to make you think it’s the better option. I mean if you quickly glance at the calories they specifically show there is less than the original one next to it, so why are these foods actually worse for us? 
When you see the words low fat or light you can much pretty much translate that to chemical loaded piece of crap. Seriously. Think about it...
Companies try to make a ‘low fat’ version of the original to appeal to the calorie conscience consumer trying the new fad diet. Sure they might reduce the fat in it so there’s less calories but that generally means they have added a heap of sugar, salt and other artificial sweeteners to make it taste less like a piece of cardboard and more like the flavoursome original. Manufacturers aren’t stupid, they want you to buy their product on the pretence that it is exceptionally good for you without compromising on taste. But too much of the bad stuff is actually damaging to your body and instead of losing weight you will essentially start gaining weight from all the unnatural chemicals in your body.

The thing that gets me the most is when I hear people say they ate a whole bag of cookies but it’s ok because they are 97% fat free. You justify eating more of them because of some writing the manufacturer printed on the package that said there was only 3% fat. Are you kidding me? When did you become so stupid? You may as well have eaten a whole bowl full of sugar and salt washed down with a nice cold glass of chemical cleaner!

‘No Added Sugar’ – another joke of a marketing ploy. That’s nice that you didn’t add sugar to the already high sugar loaded product. Be warned, it doesn’t actually mean there is any less sugar than there originally was it simply means they didn’t add in extra sugar. This also doesn’t mean they didn’t add in artificial sweeteners which have absolutely zero nutritional value to them.
Light/Lite dairy products are udderly ridiculous (see what I did there). Yoghurt is the biggest one here. Low fat yoghurt is full of sugar. I compared an average yoghurt to its ‘lite’ equivalent. Yes the original was higher in fat and it did have 4 ingredients which seemed simple enough. The lite version contained 8 ingredients, 2 of which I couldn’t even pronounce. It shocked me that to make a simple product significantly less fatty they had to double the amount of ingredients in it to make it taste just as good or if not better than the original. Ingredients that really should not be floating around your body! It also contained gelatin which immediately made it unsuitable for vegetarians. All this for the sake of reducing some of the fat.
The fats (good fats) make you feel full, without them you will continue to feel hungry and keep eating. Not exactly reducing your calories is it?

In the quest of hunting for fat free, low fat, sugar reduced foods we neglect the main purpose of trying to be healthy – nourishing our bodies.
One thing I honestly try to live by is not to buy any packaged or processed foods. Any products that contain more than 5 ingredients or ones that you can’t even pronounce are not good for you and should be a warning sign that this is not a healthy choice. You’re also better off buying the full fat version of these foods and eating it in moderation than ingesting a crap load of chemicals, excess sugar and salt into your body.

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