It's been a long but satisfying 8 months of constant exercise and clean eating. It's been the best decision I've made and I've never looked back since becoming a lot more healthy, fit and happier.
It took a long time to finally get to that point where I decided all excuses need to go out the window. I had been through many attempts to get fit and healthy, all of them failed for one or many stupid reasons.
There was that time where I decided I would get up every morning and go for a run. I did it for 3 days and then on the 4th day I decided I was too tired and I deserved a sleep in. I never got up and went for a run after that.
Then there was that time where I decided to cut out all sugar. I lasted until 3.30pm that day and gorged myself on chocolate because I needed a pick me up.
There was also the time I decided that hot yoga was going to be best thing for me, I'd lose weight from sweating it out and I'd relax because yoga is supposed to be so great for me. I went to one class and went to go to a class a couple of days later but it turned out they didn't have a morning class that day. I never went back.
There were so many attempts which failed every time. I bet you know exactly what I'm talking about.
I bet you have decided on doing the same thing at some time and you started on a health kick one day (probably the new year or a monday wasn't it?). You probably went to a restaurant and decided you would be ok to order that grilled chicken burger with cheese if you ordered a diet coke. Then you looked over at the table next to you and the girl is chowing into a massive bowl of carbonara followed by chocolate mud cake. So you decide you may as well get the mud cake too with extra whipped cream and today will be your cheat day. Plus it's been a really hard day at work and you're stressed. Tomorrow will be totally different and you will make up for it. Sound familiar at all?
This is self sabotage. I was probably the queen of it.
There will always be so many reasons that come up which you use to make it seem like it's ok to give up. You had a bad day, you're tired, a friend is staying at your house so you couldn't get up early. It's all essentially setting yourself up to fail and to make sure you will not be the one who is held accountable for giving up and to be honest 'tomorrow' never comes.
The first thing you need to do is be honest and admit to this self sabotaging behaviour. It's ok to have a bad day, you move on. It's ok to have a treat every now and then as long as you don't go overboard and eat the whole block of chocolate in one sitting. It's ok to miss a morning of training, there is still the afternoon to do something.
It's far too easy to give up. You stick it out and keep going. I can guarantee you will feel better about yourself and it gets easier as you go on. I no longer make excuses for myself. I turn up, work hard, I eat healthy and it works. I have no need anymore for the negative excuses and self sabotage talk. You have no need for it either.
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