Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Summer bodies are made in the winter - Staying motivated in the colder months

The alarm beeps, its 5.30am, the sun isn’t up. You poke a leg out of the safe cosy cocoon of your bed, yep its cold. You would rather go back to sleep.
Those good intentions from last night where you promised yourself you would get up and smash out a good gym sesh practically goes out the window. It’s ok, you’ll go after work you tell yourself. 12 hours later, you leave the office bleary eyed, it’s dark and cold and you would rather have a hot date with your trackies and the couch than the treadmill. Sound familiar?

Those winter blues have kicked in, and before you start writing the season off as three months of exercise hibernation it’s important to remember that summer bodies are made in the winter! This is the perfect time to get yourself sorted and by the time spring rolls around and everyone hits panic mode because bikini season has started you are already well on your way to being a hot biscuit.

Keeping up the motivation is hard especially in the colder months but starting steady, consistent training now will ensure you are well ahead of the rest by the time spring hits and everyone else is in bikini body panic mode. Think of winter as your pre-season. The time where you can get yourself into shape before you expose those killer curves in just a few months time.

BOOK A BIKINI HOLIDAY – Nothing motivates you more than a holiday. Booking a beach holiday for spring or summer will keep you on track as obviously you want to look your best for those instagram photos that are going to go up. There’s nothing like knowing you’ll be sporting a bikini in two month’s time to ensure you turn up to that pump class.

WORKOUT AT HOME – You don’t even have to leave your house into the brisk cold air to get some workouts in. Some of the best workouts can be done at home. Including my 15 minute HIIT workout plan that will keep you super fit.

BUY CUTE WINTER WORKOUT CLOTHES – I love buying new workout clothes (much to the dismay of my boyfriend) and nothing makes me want to exercise more than sporting a new outfit that makes me feel oh so much better. Get yourself some full length thick tights, a cute jumper and some cool nikes to keep you warm on that morning walk. Check out Lorna Jane for some amazing winter active wear.

EXERCISE STRAIGHT AFTER WORK – Going home only makes you want to stay there. Being prepared and bringing your clothes to work will ensure you get to the gym straight away. Meet up with friends so you don’t disappoint and have a reason to be somewhere.

EAT CLEAN – We all want carbs and comfort food in winter to keep us warm but eating well during winter will help keep that pudge at bay. Soups, stews, hot vegies are great warm food ideas that are so healthy and easy to make. As you know abs are made in the kitchen so keep it clean and those abs will be on show by the time we wave goodbye to winter.

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