Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Get Lean Twenty Fourteen

Christmas has come and gone. My guess is you over ate, over drank and are feeling like the stuffed turkey you consumed. You probably vowed that this year was going to be different, you wouldn't go crazy on the food, you would only eat one of the desserts and you would eat everything in moderation. That didn't happen did it? And now that the new year is impending you have made the new years resolution to lose weight and shape up.

I bet you made the same resolution last year and it didn't happen. Why? Because you got lazy, you had no willpower and you probably just gave up because it was easier to sit on the lounge eating a block of chocolate than to go for a walk. 2014 will be different!

Losing weight is the number one new years resolution and its probably one of the most failed resolutions as well. 'This year I'll lose the kilo's for sure!' Does that sound familiar? Why don't you actually stick to it this year, it's really not hard to make a small change to your life to make it a whole lot better.

My 2014 New Years Fitness Resolution
*Get to 20% body fat*

I don't think this is going to be an easy goal. However it's realistic and I'm taking my time in doing it. I plan to take it one step at a time and I want to lose the 4% of body fat 1% at a time. 


MAKE THE GOAL REALISTIC. You are not going to lose 10kg in a couple of weeks so expecting that is just setting yourself up for failure. Yes you might want to lose 10kg but make that your end goal, simply aim to lose 2kg initially, once you get there you aim for another 2kg and so on. Small steps is the best way to go and losing the weight gradually will ensure you keep it off.

JOIN A GYM. Practically every single gym will have a new year sign up bargain. Take advantage of it and join. Go to the initial consult with the trainer to set you up with a program. You obviously need the push and they can give it to you.

INCENTIVES. One of my favourite things about giving myself a goal each month is giving myself a reward once I have reached it. I always make sure I buy myself something great to say 'Good job Lyndal, you worked damn hard you deserve it'. This usually comes in the form of a new dress from Kookai or a new crop from Lorna Jane. DONT MAKE FOOD THE REWARD! You are not a dog so don't reward yourself with a chocolate, a burger, an icecream. You just undid all your hard work for the week.

VISUAL GOALS. Write down your goal, stick it on your mirror and look at it everyday. When it's in your face its a little harder to get out of it. Make an inspiration board where you will see it. I find photos and quotes one of the most motivational things to make sure I keep going and working hard every day.

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