Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Do you need to elimate sugar or fat to lose weight?

I recently came across an article about the effects of sugar and fat to your body and how this affects your weight loss.
When starting on a new diet regime everyone has their idea on how to lose weight; no carbs after 5, no fat, no sugar, raw until 4, run 10km a day - the list goes on. But I'd say the most popular thing we have been told is to cut out carbs (including sugar) or to go on a low fat diet.

A set of twins were put to the test and each went on a diet to see the effects of cutting sugar/carbs and cutting fat to see which one is worse for you.
One twin went on a low fat diet and the other a carb and sugar free diet. The results could be a shock to some people.
The twin who cut the carbs including sugar lost the most amount of weight. However he spent most days lethargic, tired and he struggled through each day physically and mentally.
The twin who cut out fat (he was allowed a very small amount of fat each day as we need this for our body) still lost weight, not as much, but was able to function a lot better than his brother. However he never felt full and was constantly snacking to help his cravings.

For years we were told carbs were the devil, they made us fat and we could never burn off those calories. They said cutting out the carbohydrates would lower our insulin levels and it becomes easier to burn calories. While this is true that keeping our insulin levels down helps with weight loss a diet without carbs can have some severe effects on your body. Carbs are essential for energy as your body processed these and converts it to energy you need for the day or working out.

As highly publicised by nutritional experts fats are just making us fat, it didnt matter what kind of fat it was just making us fat. What we are only now being made aware of is the types of fat we should be consuming that isn't going to clog our arteries and increase our chance of heart disease.

At the end of the study of the twins the most prominent question came to be "what is essentially making us fat?"
It's the combination of both sugar and fat that is the worst. The fat itself isn't going to kill us but combine that with some sugar and it becomes a leathal combination. This is processed foods, like chocolate, icecream, cakes etc. Those foods we crave so bad that have been proved to more addictive than cocaine.
So in order to lose weight, essentially its cutting out the processed foods, regular exercise and a well balanced diet.

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