Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Indulge without the bulge - Healthy weekend pancakes

In celebration of the Gold Coast Show Day tomorrow and a long weekend I wanted to post my new favourite recipe of pancakes.

Who said you can’t eat pancakes while eating healthy?
I made these last weekend and I was a little sceptical of how they would turn out but they were so delicious and my only complaint was I didn’t make enough because I wanted more!


Monday, 18 August 2014

The continued quest to find my abs - Week 3,4 and 5 of the Kayla Itsines BBG

Wow what a crazy few weeks. Work has been busy punching numbers, I’ve had a couple of weekends away to Townsville and Melbourne and I started writing for a health and fitness website That was so exciting and I’m super stoked to be part of the team. You should check out the website and my articles. There are some great health and fitness tips and ways to keep you motivated. So when all this goes on in my life my blog gets put to the side a little. But here I am back with a vengeance and out to get those blog view stats up!

After a horrible time battling the flu, I then got tonsillitis and it all just robbed me of any spare bit of energy and motivation. It took a good few weeks to get over it and get back into doing any sort of exercise and the Kayla Itsines BBG. I haven’t been completely consistent and sticking to the 3 workouts on the right days but when life gets busy I fit it in where I can and I am still loving doing it.
Week 3 is a repeat of week 1 and again it was a struggle with getting my energy back up and going but I surprisingly could get through a little more than I had in week one. I could already feel those guns growing. Still not enjoying those jump squats on leg day but geeez they work your legs and your bum!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Rome wasn’t built in a day – Your body won’t change overnight

How are your winter workouts going to get that summer body?
I am hearing a lot from people how much they are struggling to keep going. Those chilly mornings are making it hard to get out of bed, the dark afternoons are letting you think you want to sit on the couch for the night rather than do a workout at home or at the gym but the biggest de-motivator I am hearing right now is they haven’t found the change they were hoping for.

One of the biggest things for failed motivation in a new eating and exercise plan is that all too often people think the change will happen overnight and they will get immediate results. Everyone would love to be able to just snap their fingers and get the body of their dreams, but unfortunately it doesn’t happen this way.
It takes time, it takes commitment and it takes a hell of a lot of motivation.