Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Flu season, another new obsession with Karissa Pukas and a new direction

You know winter is here when you start layering up the clothes, your fingers need defrosting every time you go outside and everyone starts coughing and spluttering around the office. Last year I managed to steer clear of getting the flu and I think I only had one of those sniffly colds that went away in a couple of days.
Well this week I have been struck down by the flu good and proper. You know those ones where it hits you and then all of sudden you feel so awful, you can't move, everything aches, breathing through your nose is not an option and it gets to the point where you can't imagine being healthy again and your destined for being stuck with the dreaded flu for the rest of your life. This is day 5 of laying in bed and I don't feel any better. I'm starting to get cabin fever, my box of tissues is slowly coming to an end and I have memorised every inch of my bedroom because I've been looking around it for far too long.

I've upped my vitamin intake, hot lemon and honey tea is my new best friend and I even took cold and flu tablets which I wouldn't normally like to take because I don't think they work and surprise surprise they didn't..
Needless to say the end of week 3 and week 4 of the Kayla Itsines program has been put on hold for now until I can muster up the energy to be doing any sort of exercise. Rest assured I will be back to review it next week when I get back into it.

All this time in bed has given me and my laptop some really great bonding time and youtube has been a great way to keep me entertained. I have become obsessed with watching Karissa Pukas' channel saturdaynightsalright. She vlogs mainly about beauty and fashion but she is also a lifestyle blogger and it has reminded me that when I first started to write this blog its the direction I wanted to take with it. You should seriously check out her youtube channel and her instagram. She's my #wcw this week for sure!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE makeup, fashion and anything beauty related so I always wanted to incorporate that into my blog. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE travelling and with a few trips coming up I wanted to be able to write about those too. Of course my main focus will be on health and fitness and the quest to find my abs again because thats my number one love (well number two behind the love bubble I have my boyfriend) so rolling that all into one is where I want to go.

But for now I am going to blow my nose and get some hot water with lemon and have a nap...

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