Thursday, 17 July 2014

It’s cheat day – excuses we make so we can cheat on healthy eating

Starting a new diet is easy.  It’s Monday morning. For the first couple of hours you feel totally confident, you become motivated by the thought of how great you will look when bikini season comes around and how toned you will be. You are definitely keeping up the diet this time. No slacking off. It’s all protein and vegies from now on.
Precisely half an hour later, you are hungry. That apple you packed for morning tea just isn’t going to cut it. You worked out this morning so you basically have a couple of hundred “free calories” in which you can use for extra eating. You starting thinking about food, scrolling through instagram people are posting photos of their lunch and you want it all. You start thinking about that time when you read an article on how cheating on your diet is actually the best thing you can do, doesn’t it boost your metabolism? And this treat will definitely get you through the rest of the diet so it’s completely fine...

Oh the dilemmas! As we all know, dieting is hard, boring and sadly it’s often pointless and it doesn’t work. We always find ways to ‘cheat’ on our diets;

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Flu season, another new obsession with Karissa Pukas and a new direction

You know winter is here when you start layering up the clothes, your fingers need defrosting every time you go outside and everyone starts coughing and spluttering around the office. Last year I managed to steer clear of getting the flu and I think I only had one of those sniffly colds that went away in a couple of days.
Well this week I have been struck down by the flu good and proper. You know those ones where it hits you and then all of sudden you feel so awful, you can't move, everything aches, breathing through your nose is not an option and it gets to the point where you can't imagine being healthy again and your destined for being stuck with the dreaded flu for the rest of your life. This is day 5 of laying in bed and I don't feel any better. I'm starting to get cabin fever, my box of tissues is slowly coming to an end and I have memorised every inch of my bedroom because I've been looking around it for far too long.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Week 2 - Still no abs but they are coming

Well it was a crazy week. Despite some overtime at work for end of financial year I still managed to fit all my workouts in at the gym and the Kayla Itsines BBG plus a few pilates classes.

All I can say is this program really works! In 2 weeks I can already notice changes and I would say with the combined effort I’ve put in with weight training and pilates it’s really showing me some quick and positive results.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Summer bodies are made in the winter - Staying motivated in the colder months

The alarm beeps, its 5.30am, the sun isn’t up. You poke a leg out of the safe cosy cocoon of your bed, yep its cold. You would rather go back to sleep.
Those good intentions from last night where you promised yourself you would get up and smash out a good gym sesh practically goes out the window. It’s ok, you’ll go after work you tell yourself. 12 hours later, you leave the office bleary eyed, it’s dark and cold and you would rather have a hot date with your trackies and the couch than the treadmill. Sound familiar?

Those winter blues have kicked in, and before you start writing the season off as three months of exercise hibernation it’s important to remember that summer bodies are made in the winter! This is the perfect time to get yourself sorted and by the time spring rolls around and everyone hits panic mode because bikini season has started you are already well on your way to being a hot biscuit.