Monday, 17 March 2014

Why does my healthy lifestyle offend you?

I’ve become increasingly aware of the far too many people around who are all too happy to give their opinion on someone who leads a very healthy lifestyle. They sit back in the comfort of their air-con, munching on chocolate and chips, laying on the couch for hours and telling us, the ones who got off our ass today, that we have a ridiculous obsession with working out and keeping healthy. Alllllrighty then...

It seems our choices to eat clean and train mean bother them. And it seems to be the people who are obviously very uncomfortable with their own lifestyle choices. The ones that say ‘’I need to lose weight’’ but continue to chow through a loaf of white bread and cake are prime suspects.
Perhaps if you spent more time worrying about yourself than why I am eating grilled chicken and steamed vegies for lunch you would have a little bit more energy to go for a walk or cook yourself something healthy?

I’ve really lost count of the amount of times I’ve been told that I am ‘obsessed’, ‘don’t need to get any skinnier’ and to ‘live a little’. Live a little? How about no thanks, I’d rather live long! But if you really want to know I do ‘live a little’. I will have a treat, I eat in moderation and I do have rest days from the gym. . Just because I pass on the fries and don’t eat the cake at your birthday isn’t really reason to have a go. Am I obsessed? No. Am I committed? Yes!
I’m really not sure how people think it’s completely ok to express their opinion when I would never dream of telling someone to ‘eat less’ or ‘don’t get fatter’. No one likes to be judged or singled out so why people feel the need is beyond me.
Has the world honestly become so unhealthy that eating healthy and exercising is met with criticism and negativity?

It’s your life so focus on that and I’ll focus on mine. My choices have everything to do with my own health, my own body and how I choose to look.

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