Saturday, 29 March 2014

Have your cake and eat it too - paleo apple, coconut and cinnamon muffins

Everyone who knows me knows I have such a sweet tooth. I love chocolate and cakes and for me cutting those out to lead a healthier lifestyle has been a struggle. But seriously just because you're eating healthy doesn't mean you can't have a treat. And when I say treat I mean a healthy treat. It keeps me on track to stop me having such a blowout binge and I can indulge in my favourite foods without putting on the kilos!

I love looking at recipes of my favourite indulgences and changing the recipe around, swapping the bad for the good and realising what's going to work for me so I can enjoy a treat without the big guilt. It's all about making smart decisions to satisfy the sweet tooth.

I came across a recipe for apple, coconut and cinnamon muffins. Changing it around and after a few practice batches have managed to perfect my new favourite muffin.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Why does my healthy lifestyle offend you?

I’ve become increasingly aware of the far too many people around who are all too happy to give their opinion on someone who leads a very healthy lifestyle. They sit back in the comfort of their air-con, munching on chocolate and chips, laying on the couch for hours and telling us, the ones who got off our ass today, that we have a ridiculous obsession with working out and keeping healthy. Alllllrighty then...

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Fat burning in a fasted state – Burn more fat in the morning

Morning workouts are extremely beneficial to fat burning and weight loss. We have all heard of these fat burning walks (FBW) but probably never really understood how exercising first thing in the morning is a whole lot better for you.
To put it as simply as possible our bodies preferred source of energy is glucose (carbs and sugar). Exercising of an afternoon or evening will most likely just burn off the food you have eaten that day rather than the body fat you are trying to shred. It will take you a much longer time to get to the point of fat burning. 
Over the day you have consumed a number of carbohydrates which are your body’s most convenient fuel source of energy. As you start exercising this is transformed into glucose which is then converted to energy with the help of insulin. This process is usually quite quick provided you are eating a healthy diet and the type of exercise you are doing.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Not reaching your goals? Here's why...

Are you doing some really great workouts and eating really healthy but just not seeing the results you were expecting? Hitting a plateau that you just can’t shake?

Consistency is key in constantly making improvements. There are a lot of common mistakes people make that can prevent you from reaching your goals.