Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Binging, my new resolution with breaking up with sugar and the tasty quinoa granola recipe

Easter has come and gone. My sugar high came and hasn’t left. I practically ate my body weight in chocolate over the weekend, not to mention the burgers, hot chips, cake and frozen yoghurt I also ate. It was a complete binge of a weekend and I was left feeling disgusting, bloated, couldn’t sleep properly and I don’t even want to look at bad food right now.

I was recovering from an operation and not exercising, craving something delicious and let’s face it caramello chocolate is so much more comforting that broccoli.
It’s almost like this time of year comfort eating is higher in demand and the vicious cycle is harder to kick. (Stay tuned for my next blog post on comfort eating)
It’s crazy what sugar does your body that I even re-read my earlier blog post on breaking up with sugar to make sure I instil in my brain how sugar is the enemy right now.  So from today Wednesday 23rd April I am breaking up with sugar again. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do and especially after going on such a crazy sugar binge, unfortunately going cold turkey on sugar isn’t the perfect answer to quitting sugar – the more you eat the more you want – so I’ve started from today to begin cutting it out so that by the time May 1 rolls around I am ready to kick the habit once again.

Anyone else keen for the challenge? Email me at lyndalthorsby@hotmail.com for tips and tricks to quitting sugar and I’ll keep you up to date with my progress as well.

And now for the part that I know a few people have been waiting for... quinoa granola. Probably my new favourite recipe. I am obsessed with it! I have it with fruit, yoghurt, on top of smoothie bowls, acai bowls and I eat a handful of it when I need something small to snack on.

It’s so simple and easy and most definitely tasty! You can add in any other nuts and seeds but this is the recipe I have been making.

1 cup quinoa flakes
½ cup almonds (can be chopped or whole)
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup pepitas
½ cup coconut flakes
approx ½ cup rice malt syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
coconut oil
Preheat oven to 200*C
Combine quinoa, almonds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, coconut flakes and cinnamon in a bowl
Stir through the rice malt syrup slowly until the mixture starts forming clumps (you may need more or less than half a cup)
Spread on an oven proof tray and drizzle with coconut oil
Bake in the oven for around half an hour until golden and crunchy, stirring the mixture every 8-10 minutes)


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