Thursday, 26 February 2015

Maintaining a balance between a healthy lifestyle and a fun social life

Over the years, my biggest dietary challenge has been maintaining a fit body while still having fun. If I ate alone and went to bed early, I knew I’d be feeling skinny in the morning, but hand me my best friends, my fiancĂ© or a Sunday breakfast and my limits would go out the window.
The sad truth is, it’s easier to lose/maintain weight if you avoid social events. The real challenge is when life gets in the way of your own “plans” and causes you to reassess your clean eating diet.
I know many women (including myself) who have turned down dinner plans or a night out with friends because of their diet. Salads and going to sleep early may get you that flat stomach, but what is the point of it if you can’t show it off?
How can you maintain your weight without skipping out on fun life experiences? Your best bet is to avoid sabotaging yourself. I’ve slowly learned how to balance diet through trial and error, and I would be lying if I said this wasn’t still somewhat of a weekly challenge for me.
Over time I have realised some helpful tips in achieving a balance of food and fun: